Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Steps to Parenting the Montessori Way: Part 2

  • Make both going to bed and getting up a calm and pleasant ritual.

  • Teach grace & courtesy in the home.  Model it.  Use courtesy with your child and help you child to demonstrate it.

  • Look at family pictures together.  Help you child be aware of his/her family, names, and relationships.

  • Refrain from laughing at your child.

  • Teach your child about your religion and allow them to feel a part of it.

  • Spend quality time with people of different ages.

  • Always tell the truth.

  • Alert the teacher to anything that may be affecting your child--lack of sleep, exposure to a fight, moving, relative visiting in home, parent out of town, etc.

  • Teach your child his/her birthday.

  • Talk about art, visit statue gardens, and make short visits to museums and look at a couple of paintings.  Make it meaningful and enjoyable.  Don't overdo.
Excerpt from Tomorrow's Child Magazine, September 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Steps to Parenting the Montessori Way: Part 1

  • Allow sufficient time for your child to dress himself/herself.

  • When talking to your child, physically get on his/her level, be still, and make eye contact.

  • Tell and re-tell family-based stories.  For example, "On the day you were born..."

  • Have a globe or atlas in the house, and whenever names of places come up, locate them with the child.

  • Apologize to your child when you've made a mistake.

  • See that your child gets to school on time.

  • Sing! Voice quality does not matter.  Sing together regularly.  Build a repertoire of family favorites.

  • Take walks together at the child's pace, pausing to notice things and talk about them.

  • Attend school parent-education functions.

  • Refrain from over-structuring your child's time with formal classes and activites.  Leave time to 'just be,' to play, explore, and create.

Excerpt from Tomorrow's Child Magazine, September 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time...

Ho Ho Ho                                                                  

Tis the season to be jolly...

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay...

Over the river and through the woods...

Rudolph with your nose so bright...

We wish you a happy holiday!

These words and more can be heard echoing through the hallways of the Early Childhood building on a daily basis.  Children have been practicing songs for the Winter Sing-A-Long on December 21st. 
Of course along with the singing has come the high spirits due to the last couple of weeks before the holidays.  On Monday we were so excited to see the first snowfall of the season, the windows became the best seats in the house! 
And of course there is the secrecy of that special gift the children are working on.  It is a busy time of the year and an exciting one for all of us. 
I would like to extend our best holiday wishes on behalf of the staff to you and your family and many many wishes  for a Happy New Year!
Submitted by: Cindy Shelley