Monday, September 23, 2013

Update from Room 4

The children in Room 4  have been enjoying celebrating all the many birthdays of our friends, and there are several more birthdays to come!  They have mastered singing our special birthday song and it's a delight to watch them sway to the music with their arms linked.  What a beautiful community of friends!

Botany is one of our major areas of study this year.  Recently the children have been learning about what plants need to live: water, sunlight and air, and we've discussed how plants start as tiny seeds, no bigger than your finger nail, grow into a shoot, and then into a plant.  They learned the basic parts of a plant and of a tree: the root, the stem, and the leaves and together we've been reading several science books containing interesting facts about plants.


This past week brought our first thunderstorm and the class has  enjoyed talking about storms and enjoyed hearing the thunder.

Many great works continued this week - washing works, lots of Sensorial, several Language works and Sounds lessons, and many great math works.  It's exciting to see the students' concentration and independence.

Submitted by: Lois Burns

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