Thursday, September 22, 2011


Do you like to eat pickles at your house?  The children of room 3 and Miss Burns made pickles today. 

The steps involved:

1. Washing hands with soap & water 

Washing hands

2. Scrubbing the cucumbers
Scrubbing the cucumbers

3. Slicing the cucumbers 


4. Putting the sliced cucumbers in a jar

5. Measure & pour salt in the jar
6. Measure 4 cups of water
7. Measure 3 cups of vinegar

measuring the vinegar

8. Measure dried dill & added it to jar
9. Pour liquid mixture in jar
10 Screw the lid onto the jar
11. Boil water to seal the jars
12. Wait 6 weeks until they are ready to eat


The children are ready to count down the days until they get to try their own pickles!  

Monday, September 19, 2011

What Did You Do At School Today?

We invite all parents of children in the Early Childhood Program to an evening designed for you to experience the Montessori Classroom through the eyes of their child.  This will not be a typical Parent Education experience.  You will have the opportunity to participate in group activities as well as have individual presentations and work with the concrete materials your children enjoy each and every day.  There will be a brief time spent as a group with your child' teacher to discuss ways in which to engage your child in the discussion "what they did all day at school"

A few pictures below are materials you may want to work with on your own:

Sensorial: Red Rods

Practical Life: Scooping

Math: Cards & Counters

Language: Moveable Alphabet

Cultural Studies: Maps & Flags

Science: Parts of the Flower

Hope to see you there! 

When: Thursday, September 22  6:30p.m.
Where:  Early Childhood Bldg. + the room in which your child is enrolled

Childcare is offered, $5 per child.  Please contact the TMA main office to make arrangements.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beginning of the Year

Welcome to a great year at TMA! 

The Toddler & Early Childhood classes are off to a great start.  The carpool line is progressing; drivers are learning the importance of driving the loop to ensure safety to each family.  The children are adjusting to walking up to class, changing into their inside shoes and gathering for a quick group time.

Some things the children are learning in the first few weeks: 
  • School is fun!
  • Walking feet are used in the classroom
  • Inside voices are appropriate in the building & loud voices are for outside time
  • Hands are for helping
  • They may choose their own work
  • Saying goodbye (for just a little while)
  • The importance of putting work away in the same location it was taken from, so that other friends are able to find it successfully
  • School is fun!
  • They are free to use the bathroom whenever they need to
  • Washing hands with soap & water after using the bathroom, sneezing and coughing AND before eating snack or lunch
  • Each individual is valued and loved for who they are and where they are

...the essence  of independence is to be able to do something for one's self... --Dr. Maria Montessori