We invite all parents of children in the Early Childhood Program to an evening designed for you to experience the Montessori Classroom through the eyes of their child. This will not be a
typical Parent Education experience. You will have the opportunity to participate in group activities as well as have individual presentations and work with the concrete materials your children enjoy each and every day. There will be a brief time spent as a group with your child' teacher to discuss ways in which to engage your child in the discussion
"what they did all day at school".
A few pictures below are materials you may want to work with on your own:
Sensorial: Red Rods |
Practical Life: Scooping
Math: Cards & Counters
Language: Moveable Alphabet |
Cultural Studies: Maps & Flags |
Science: Parts of the Flower |
Hope to see you there!
When: Thursday, September 22 6:30p.m.
Where: Early Childhood Bldg. + the room in which your child is enrolled
Childcare is offered, $5 per child. Please contact the TMA main office to make arrangements.